FLOAT.F5905074.WMO = '5905074'; FLOAT.F5905074.OperatorFLID = '0693'; % sent back to SeaBird from ACE cruise. UW has lats of 47.65N -122.31E. Seattle testing? FLOAT.F5905074.Operators = 'UW'; FLOAT.F5905074.OperatorMetaln = '7015_0693.meta'; FLOAT.F5905074.status = {'Dead_CTD','0'}; FLOAT.F5905074.launchDATE = '20171226'; FLOAT.F5905074.launchTIME = '0315'; FLOAT.F5905074.launchLAT = '-58.9967'; FLOAT.F5905074.launchLON = '70.0983'; FLOAT.F5905074.Ftype = 'Navis'; FLOAT.F5905074.sensors = 'IONpFM'; % CDOM fluorometer FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_pressure = {'DRUCK','2900_PSIA','10300884'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_temperature = {'SBE','SBE41CP','8572'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_conductivity = {'SBE','SBE41CP','8572'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_oxygen = {'SBE','SBE63J','1379'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_nitrate = {'Satl','SUNA','0823'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_pH = {'SBE','DURA','0142'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_fluorometer = {'WetL','MCOMS','0141'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_fluoroCHLA = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_fluoroBBP700 = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5905074.sensor_cdom = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5905074.ship = 'Agulhas_I'; FLOAT.F5905074.CRID = 'NCPOR'; FLOAT.F5905074.comment = '-999'; FLOAT.F5905074.EXPOCODE = '91AA20171209'; FLOAT.F5905074.ctdFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5905074.botFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5905074.STNNBR = '5'; FLOAT.F5905074.CASTNO = '1'; FLOAT.F5905074.ctdDATE = '20171226'; % from drop because no CTD meta data FLOAT.F5905074.ctdTIME = '0315'; % from drop because no CTD meta data FLOAT.F5905074.ctdLAT = '-58.9967'; % from drop because no CTD meta data FLOAT.F5905074.ctdLON = '70.0983'; % from drop because no CTD meta data FLOAT.F5905074.NOTES = {'2017-12-26:ReDepld: Not deployed on ACE, sent back to SeaBird',... '2018-01-12:CTD: Navis float CTD failed, which means complete failure of float after the second profile. Failure occurred during parking phase. This float also had excess grease around the end cap prior to deployment and caused concern on part of I. Rosso, but deployment was OKed by D. Swift.',... '2018-11-28:CTD:CTD is completely nonresponsive, but it is still bobbering up and down'}; FLOAT.F5905074.Adopt = {'Gilroy High School','Gilroy','CA','Manker Tanker','http://www.go-bgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Manker_Tanker.html'}; %% ok FLOAT.F5905074.CCHDOln = 'https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/cruise/91AA20171209'; FLOAT.F5905074.EuroArgoln = 'http://fleetmonitoring.euro-argo.eu/float/5905074';